On the inside - Looking out.

Of all the times I've been to, & shot, (Blipped or not) Rheged: PLUS a search for "Rheged" by anybody - I cannot find a single shot showing the exterior in such a way as to show windows: which do exist - honest.

Be that as it may, "today" we went out to the "Egg factory" calling at Rheged en route, to pick up some DECENT bacon.
Thinks "Let's take a decko at their Herdwick photos and "Homes & Gardens" exhibition."
Plenty of exhibition, a fair bit of Homes, not a lot of gardens.
Enjoyable nevertheless.

As a result of said visit, we found ourselves higher up the building than we were accustomed to.
Next time - MUST try to show windows from outside.

BTW I can't ever remember being forced to park so far from the building B4. Or seeing the carp ark quite so full, I think we got the last available slot at the time we drove round the  gravelled, overflow park.

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