
By HaxSyn

Stuff I bought

After getting up fairly early and working on my laptop for a couple hours I was so frustrated with it. It keeps freezing up for a few seconds (for 30-40 seconds) it appears to the hardisk goes to 100% usage. I came to the conclusion that it's paging as the memory is frequently at 96%+ (it has 4GB). I decided to jump on the bus and head out to the large PC World store in Corstorphone to get a memory upgrade, which is a two bus journey. When I got there I couldn't find any RAM upgrades and after asking I escorted to the far corner where on a shelf the guy pointed to a single RAM chip in a very old looking scratched plastic security box. They had one single RAM upgrade chip and of course it wasn't suitable for my laptop! So frustrated I got a bus back into town.

On the way back into town the bus passes Haymarket and on a whim I decided to jump off and go to the Haymarket bar which I haven't been to in ages (it's just a bit too far out of the town centre to pop-in normally). I ordered a very nice pint of "Vanilla & Burbon" Portland Porter from the Dorset Brewery (that's how they spelt Burbon on the tap clip). I then decided to have some Scampi and Chips with peas and tartar sauce, it was very good although I could have done with a slightly larger portion.

After finishing my lunch I took another bus back to Princes Street, on a whim I stopped into the PC World on Princes Street and found they had a number of RAM upgrade chips, including the one I was looking for, while there I picked up a pack of USB sticks, I might try out some Linux versions on my laptop.

After PC World I dropped into Boots the chemist to pick up a couple things, while looking at razors a woman approached me and asked if I wanted a free eye test. I haven't had my eyesight tested in a long time and have noticed very small or distant text is harder to read than it used to be so I decided "why not?". After a number of tests, they concluded there wasn't much wrong with my eyesight except, as I already knew, for very small distant text. They gave me a prescription but I decided not to bother getting glasses at the moment, I'd never use them and probably lose them or break them, maybe in a couple years if my eyesight gets worse I'll really need them.
By the time they had finished with the tests it was about 16:00 so I decided to pop up to The Hanging Bat for a quick drink before it got too busy, on the way I picked up a new sieve and fish slice, the last sauce I made was a bit lumpy and I didn't have a sieve and my old fish slice's handle fell off.

After a drink "The Bat" was getting a bit loud and busy so I headed home via the supermarket.

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