The Granny He never saw

My grandson Cuillan made this owl for me today. Though I had a lovely day it was the highlight to receive a handmade gift from a three year old. I've hung it amongst my collection of sticks so I'll see it every day and be reminded. My late wife would have loved the owl and loved the child without bounds. They never got to meet. While discussing my blip of last night with a friend I mentioned another short-listed poem for an upcoming RTE competition and was reminded of my wife by the powerful words of Seamus Heaney, an amazing powerful wordsmith, poet, and creator of unforgettable pictures that burn themselves into your very being ...and this is it..

When all the others were away at Mass

When all the others were away at Mass
I was all hers as we peeled potatoes.
They broke the silence, let fall one by one
Like solder weeping off the soldering iron:
Cold comforts set between us, things to share
Gleaming in a bucket of clean water.
And again let fall. Little pleasant splashes
From each other’s work would bring us to our senses.
So while the parish priest at her bedside
Went hammer and tongs at the prayers for the dying
And some were responding and some crying
I remembered her head bent towards my head,
Her breath in mine, our fluent dipping knives–
Never closer the whole rest of our lives.

I can't follow that with adequate words....just saying

She Is Gone

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