Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Mmmm make that 15 pets not 14...

Introducing dangerous Malcolm ...
He is according to Lucy a bit of a daredevil climber ... He's only 9 weeks and is a product of the worst shop in the UK PETS AT HOME .. They are a disgrace .. For the umpteenth time they have sold a pregnant sow to an inexperienced person who just thought the guinea pig a bit chubby ...
I loathe that shop... As a whole in the UK not just one ... I could go on and on but I don't want to bore you.
Anyway ... Here is The Withers newest arrival ... He's very cuddly and sweet and climby ... He will be neutered and then eventually introduced to the 4 females we have ... We will have to get an even bigger house for them all ...

Thank you Nurse of death for alerting me to dangerous Malcolm .. He's very happy already and Lucy and Eve are smitten with him xxxxxxxxxx

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