Blue: Deleting something important?

Left work early today. And before dawn had a two hour enjoyable walk in slushy rain, +0c. Decided to protograph rush hour of Tampere highway12. I am so happy that I do not have to stay in the car daily, driving 20km/hour here...

Needed fresh (?) air, as I have got a terrible news today. One of my friends had got yesterday night a phone call of our mutual friend. Our mutual friend has been less or more depressed for years. Now she had called one of her friends to say goodbye. At the moment she is far, in eastern Finland, living as a loner in her cottage. And can not been contacted since the phone call. Only her hubby and son have the address to the cottage.

Her situation keeps whirilng in my mind. What can we do more. She is on medication and in sickness leaf and of course she makes her own desicions. In her depression illness she has not noticed that many things are actually fine in her life. But of course a lot of her history needs mending. She is fragile - and all too kind for everyone.

But the truth that I believe, is that we all are responsible of our own happiness, in the end. We should not ignore small good things in our life, but cherise them. Find precious things, and day by day enjoy the life, it's details.

I hope my friend is not deleting anything important now...until we meet again.

Take care of you and Do have a nice weekend, anyway!


ps. I have posted a question for Andy@blipfoto yesterday, am waiting for the answer. The issue is the same I posted into the chatting area of Zendesk/Blipfoto. Here it is. I decided to act, as so many of my blipfriends are thinking to leave after the BlipAndy posted some of our shots into BoredPanda-internet site.

Question is: Do we own our material, or does someone else own the rights?

Hi Andy,
I am really sorry about this letter to you. 

Again one of my blipfriends has found her photo in a starge site - and is leaving Blipworld. My friends are upset. I am upset.

I wonder if you could come out of your closet again, and explaing Exactly What Are Your permissions To Share Our Captures for Third Party. Are you planning to do it again? 

Have we missed some distribution right issue here? I have thought we blippers still own All Publishing Rights to our own photography. 

Sharing blips / material from here without a permission is stealing to my mind, if there is no agreement about it. Or is there? I have started to watermark my shots. Un-watermarked are in my computer only. Is that what you want?

Now is time to tell people about this. Thoroughly. Quickly.
Thank you for your time here.


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