Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Parrot Plant

A photo of my parrot plant (Impatiens niamniamensis) for flower Friday. It originates from Africa. I am not the best person with house plants and need ones that can deal with neglect. This Parrot Plant I got as a tiny seedling 8 years ago and it has survived all that time.

I am having a difficult day I don't know what is wrong with me but I have absolutely no energy, I struggled to lift the feed bags, push the wheelbarrow, carry the silage etc etc today. I wonder if I'm not fighting off a bug. I have had to put any plans to do work after the feeding on hold and have put my feet up in the hopes shaking it before I fully get it.

Trying to get my head around my current essay for my course and get it handed in. Brain slowly turning to mush so may have to give up on that idea and actually do nothing.

7c 15mph SSE wind dry. WInd meant to pick up later and into tomorrow.

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