Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Logan's rock

aprecious says to tell you that now that she is an out there crazy full time student (for 8 weeks) she can do crazy full time student out there things.

So, here we are.

Pedn Vounder, Cornwall

She says to tell you that after driving over night - bonkers - we plan to spend the day on the beach. Not just any beach. This beach. This is, she says, the best beach in her world and whilst she may be mad (and many people have said such a slanderous thing in the past) one day here will sustain her for the 8 weeks of her study and keep her heart in the right place until she gets to spend a fortnight here last week in August/first week in September.

She says to tell you that I am not MollyColly

She says to tell you that she may or may not be able to comment today but that she'll catch up tomorrow.

And what do I say? Beach! Sea! Sand! Treats! Sandwiches! Water!!!!! Doggy Heaven.

I hope that G had the most wonderful evening in This Will Actually Happen and that he enjoyed his standing ovation :) justbe - I was thinking of him and of you and of history in the car's darkness last night. Nothing startling, though. Nothing startling.

It is chuffing windy! But we are here and the sun is rising and that is all that matters!

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