Matts Photo Journal

By photomatt

Balancing Act

The Washington, DC area had a snow storm today that shut down just about everything.  However, I work for a publishing company that never closes so my team was asked to spend the night at a nearby hotel so that we could be on hand today to keep our operations unit running. 

I took a brief break from work this evening and took a walk so I could photograph the unwanted but beautiful snow.  Five minutes into my walk, the awesome lines and contrast of the snow delicately balanced on the branches of this tree caught my attention.  

I decided to get a photograph the tree from the ground looking up.  I was able to get a few pictures (laying flat on my back) and as luck would have it,  a strong gust of wind came along and blew most of the snow off the branches right on to me and the camera...  

Both me and the camera made it out OK and was able to leave with a couple of nice images before mother nature wiped the slate clean.

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