
By TBay


I don't have very many crocus in the garden, but this brave little patch come up every year. It had been sunny and the garden has been cheered up by these little patches of colour.

An office bound day for both Mr TBay and myself. It has been an especially hectic / stressful day for Mr TBay who is pretty cream crackered this evening. Poor lad. Just to cheer him up a little bit I opened a box of chocolate biscuits, which he is currently enjoying.

Farming - Busy day today with a lot of compost to shift with two on duty today. Requests for dung spreading now starting to come in as soon as the weather keeps dry for a few days. The Forager is now serviced and a intermittent fault has hopefully at long last been fixed. Raymond will be very happy about this!

For me it has been VAT! Just my favourite thing! It will be finished by tomorrow!
Forgot to report on my little ' treasures' Pip and Lula who yesterday found something indescribably revolting to roll and both had to be bathed! You just have to love 'em!!

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