Life with Alice

By elirin


A perfect day for hiking, which is why we went to one of our favourite spots, the shallow bird lake south of the city. We had to take great care, because there was still a thin layer of ice on the water, no longer thick enough to carry either a poodle, a polar bear or a kiwi. Not to mention a person. Three swans had returned from wherever it is they go during winter, but they were nowhere close which I like just fine. The trail was wet and muddy, trees had fallen over it and we didn't spot one single spring flower. But the sun was out and we had a great time.

We also went to a geocache so Blipbear could visit it. Mum is getting a geocaching dogtag for Kiwi as well. So that she can get logged when she travels, and for safety should she ever get lost.

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