Sunset Train
Long long day today. In the morning we picked up Helena and went to the Bellingham Music Club concert. It was the high school scholarship winners in strings and wind/brass. As always they amazed me with their skill and musical maturity. I am so impressed with young musicians these days.
Then we went to lunch with our usual after concert gang and ate Greek food and had a great time talking. I sat next to a young man who is a former WWU student who now is employed by Marrowstone. Every summer students come to Bellingham for three weeks of intense orchestral study and concertizing. I really enjoyed talking with this young man.
Then I took Arvin and Helena home and went out again to see my therapist Heidi. She is the best and really helps me keep my perspective and good spirits.
When I got home Helena and Arvin were just up from a nap. I suggested we go to Boulevard Park for a walk. It was beautiful and very cold. While we were there two long trains went by, the first heading south and the second heading north. Seeing them made me realize how much impact coal trains will have if the coal terminal goes through. So far it isn't seeming to and that makes me happy.
Then home for a late snack and some TV watching. Helena needed to catch up on Downton Abbey so we watched a couple of episodes of that.
Now I'm doing my blip. On our walk I took the two cameras I plan to take on our April trip to Europe. This photo is from the Panasonic FZ1000. It is a great camera because of its range from 25-400 and its one inch sensor. I also played with my new little Panasonic LX100. It has a micro four thirds sensor and a shorter range of 24-75. It is small and easier to carry and I expect has a bit higher quality due to its larger sensor and smaller megapixel count, Together they make a good pair.
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