White Clematis

Unfortunately my time is not all my own any more and I am going to have to curtail commenting somewhat for the next day or two. I sneaked a few comments in during a lull in the afternoon but since then I have been out in one of the local hostelries at a farewell drinkup for two guys who have been working in Mrs.Joesblip's place of work. Since I was the designated driver, I was not drinking while those around me were slowly disitegrating into nonesense. Not much more boring than that situation. Only just back now at 11pm and tomorrow I intend to be up at 5am in order to get to Glendalough by 6am for my first serious photo expedition of the year. I need to get out there alone with nature for meditation and contemplation.
Tomorrow evening will be another busy time as we are visiting my best mate Eamonn for a bit of a social evening and some Eurovision. All told I don't see myself having any spare commenting time until Sunday evening. It makes me feel a bit miserable really but can't be helped. When I was unemployed I had so much time for blipland but now.... well, I'll do my best.
I leave you with a shot of one of many white clematis blooming in the garden right now. The good weather has brought them on in a sudden mad rush to greet the sunlight.

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