Feeding The Birds

"Adventure" is Moira's new word…..I think I will be asked everyday for awhile what our "Adventure" is going to be for the day!  Wednesday's are usually my busiest days with Bible Study Fellowship in the morning and several church rehearsals in the afternoon.  Before Moira takes a nap in the afternoon, I read books to her.   We made it through half of her library books, when Moira asked what our Adventure was for the day, I really struggled with how I could fit anything exciting in.  Moira came up with the idea of feeding the birds at the park.  So on the way to church this afternoon, we created an "Adventure of Feeding the Birds".  I was really happy that she didn't back away from the aggressive seagulls and the Ibis gathering around her.  Moira was very focused on her task of feeding the birds the entire bag of bread crumbs.  The whole time she also had a sweet smile on her face.  Hope everyone had an Adventure today…..it puts a smile on your face!

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