Plus ça change...

By SooB

On top of the world

Today began very foggy, with our plans of a long country walk looking unwise. We headed up to Mont Ste Victoire to see if the weather was any better and emerged out of the mist into a glorious day. This is where Cezanne came to paint. It's a glorious limestone escarpment with lots of great walks around it and up it.

Mr B and I normally don?t bring much stuff with us to France as we have all we need in the house there. So today, as we?re heading to the airport, we?re dressed for the plane with no spare shoes. The kids were in perfectly sensible mountain climbing shoes, but I was in 2 inch heeled 'shboots' (I think that's what they're called - boots that stop below your ankle) and Mr B was in soft comfy shoes which at home are only used as slippers. Not ideal for scrambling up rocky paths and down rock faces. Still, the views were worth it and we had the mountain to ourselves. This is looking south west, towards Marseilles.

Nice lunch later, then a slightly traumatic flight home with C choosing to have his first aeroplane tantrum. I?m sure all parents who fly with kids go through it at some point and I've heard from others about the mean looks you get from people but I've never seen it first hand before. I know people want a nice quiet flight and a howling kicking child is not fun for anyone, but do these people really think the pointing and staring helps the situation?

Made me very grateful for my kids generally being really well behaved in public. I didn't have a clue what to do with him so went for the 'ignore it and try not to panic' approach. It seemed to work. Hope this is not the beginning of something though....

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