Flights Of Fancy

SWMBO, The Cygnet and I went shopping after dropping Squirrel off at playgroup.
I made it as far as the entrance.
That is where I met up with an old acquaintance from the old camera club.
We finished our chat when SWMBO and The Cygnet arrived back after doing the shopping.
I may be seeing Norman at the new camera club shortly apparently as it doesn't clash with his model engineering club (model .... Ha!. The builds steam trains - the sort that people sit on and get driven around events on).

After dropping The Cygnet off at nursery SWMBO, Squirrel and I headed off to South Queensferry for the flypast celebrating the opening of the rail bridge.
I have to say, the most impressive thing about it was the eyesight of the woman standing next to me who picked out both planes (yes -- all two of them) about 20 seconds before anyone else was able to see even the faintest of a pinhead as the came in ....... a Typhoon from the east at a height that you would expect them to use to avoid enemy anti-aircraft guns and a replica Spitfire from the North which didn't actually manage to get right across the river to South Queensferry on either pass.

Squirrel was so under-impressed she slept through it all in the back of the car, only waking when we went to have tea and biscuits with The Captains Mate who is signed off work at the moment.

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