Live, love, laugh

By Rianka


Walking around my hometown. The spring market event was today, Lentement. My mom and dad wanted to go and my boy and I decided to join as well. It was fun to walk around these streets again. Even more fun when a salesman of belts told my father that this belt was very good quality and NOT made in China. When I started laughing, the salesmen thought he had to convince me of something or another. It was rather funny.
We had hamburgers and fish before we headed back home.

In the afternoon some visitors would come by to hear my China stories. My grandma's, my parents-in-law, and my sister, her boyfriend and the little one of course. It was a lot of fun talking about my China time with them. Unfortunately I did not really had the time yet to make a good photo selection of the whole thing and my attention and energy was not really up to its normal level yet.
I don't think I told my story the way I would have wanted to. But I guess there is more time for that.

I am starting to notice that my jetlag is not really over yet, although I tried to ignore it.

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