
By Legodude

Northern Comfort: Final episode

General Crokenburg (right): "Lord Crug, when I saw you shot I feared the worst".

Lord Crug (left): "Do no be alarmed. My armour and hide saved me from serious harm. One intruder escaped".

General Crokenburg: "Do you think more intruders will come"?

Lord Crug: "If so, we will kill them all".


Click here to start at episode 1

Director's commentary
I couldn't kill off  Lord Crug could I! You may notice he looks rather wet; he ended up in the beck a couple of times. Thanks to everyone who's viewed entries, followed the series, commented and gifted Polaroid Blipfoto honours over this story arc. "Northern Comfort" is a spin on the title of the 1981 movie "Southern Comfort" in which a National Guard unit on a weekend exercise anger local Cajun swamp dwellers who take deadly revenge. My plot rips off too many films to mention them all. Possible sequels are already racing round my brain when I should be thinking of more important things. As for the director's commentary, I have heard such things described like being bored to death by a self obsessed ****** in a pub. Fingers crossed they've not been like that for you! 

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