Just me..

By Sunnyclouds


Passport photo day was here, the children jumped up and down with excitement, it was like all their Christmases had come at once..... Or maybe not! At least they didn't have to fake the straight face, no smile pose!!!!

Did you know, it's £5 each (I had Evie and Elliot to do) you get 3 chances to get the photo right, if it's still crappy on the 3rd go, tough. You get that photo and off you trot...

£15 later and Elliot manages to not have his eyes shut, tongue out, crooked head! Although looking at the photos whilst walking out the shop I notice Elliot must have had PE today, his shirt is visibly inside out!!!!

Evie was told not to smile, get it right the first time or you're not coming on holiday!! The fear in her face is apparent!!!!!!

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