Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Braid Burn walk

It was such a lovely morning that I decided to go on the Braid Burn walk again - the scene of my strained tendon a few weeks ago. But I decided I could just do the flat bit along the river, and walk back along it - not attempt the hill.

However, when I got to the turn around bit, there was a crowd of people, including a pram and a tantrum throwing toddler going that way. I decided to keep going the opposite way. Amazingly enough, Archie walked past the squealing toddler without barking.

However, I took a wrong (different) route and ended up coming round Blackford Hill instead of going up it. Which was good. Except that I definitely had the wrong footwear on. I contemplated going up the hundreds of steps on a sheer climb, but it was so muddy, I didn't contemplate for long. Another time.

This route meant I had to walk all the way home - there was no handy bus. Jings I was tired. We were out for nearly three hours, which I know a lot of dog walking blippers would think that's pipsqueak, but for an unfit old bag, it's a LOT.

We met lots of dogs. He's so good off the lead. At one point he was away ahead meeting a dog. I used my whistle, hid behind a big tree, and he came whizzing past me, screeching to a halt. He's very good at coming back when called, or even just reporting back or looking back to check I'm still coming.

We also saw a heron, right there in the burn. The dogs hadn't noticed it.

We met three Dalmatians all at once. We met a shorn Old English sheepdog, we met a curly coated retriever. We met many more dogs. Strange how they all seemed to have stayed quite clean.

As we trudged home, we met Mac, a wee black terrier type. The owner was ready for a chat. Mac can only go to the Meadows - can't go up Blackford Hill or along the Braidburn, despite it being on their doorstep. Mac is a killer - he killed a rabbit (while he was still on the lead) and if they ventured into the countryside, he'd run off after a rabbit and never be seen again. I have a lot to be thankful for in Archie - he's not a hunter/killer. Mind you, he's never seen a rabbit. I may have spoken too soon...

Of course, he was SO muddy, I then had to shower him, well, his legs, tummy and mud eating beard. And yes, the shower thingie did manage to turn on me and soak me, just when I thought I'd made it...

I'm stuffed. Though not with food. The diet is going well. Though the weight has not budged much, I'm remaining positive.

This is him at the start of the walk, relatively clean. Though he does need to go on a diet. He was not a pretty sight at the end.

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