
By Memories4Me

Oh no! More Snow!

Dear Diary,

The first flakes were just starting to fall late in the day yesterday.  Gaylord was lightly sprinkled with them.  We looked at each other for a minute and I could tell we were of the same mind.  Not another snow storm!

This morning I was pleased to see that it had stayed snow, no ice as they were predicting.  Just means another morning of shoveling.  They are promising warm temperatures today so perhaps it will melt.  That is the consolation of March.  Snow does melt faster.

I haven't been able to get to my pond in six weeks.  The snow banks are too high.  I long to see the first signs of melting along the edge but that is weeks away.  This seems the longest of winters to me and I'm sure Gaylord would agree...."This is just nuts!  And I don't mean the good ones I buried last fall!"

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