
I started my workouts today after a very long hiatus.  My back is feeling better and I have gotten over the fact that in order to feel good and look good you have to work hard.  I was really hoping that wasn't the case but oh well. 
Before starting my working I went to Starbucks.  I actually read that caffeine helps you have better work outs.  That and the fact that it was lunch time.  After Starbucks it was just a short ride over to the beach.  It was bitterly cold but it was like a cold slap in the face...which I needed.  I took this photo of the snow on the dune while I was there.  More snow was due any moment.
After freezing at the beach I went over to my sister's house.  She has a workout room and all the equipment. She even has a book of exercises especially for people with bad backs.  I did a whole stretching routine and then some light free weights exercises.  It was a great start.  I felt good afterwards.
Driving home the snow started to come down.  On Thursday we are getting more snow.  I guess winter isn't finished with us yet. 

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