
By theimpinside

Morpho peleides

We went to the "must see" attraction at RHS Wisley today, fortunately only 14 million Mums with pushchairs had the same idea.  I hadn't realised it was "plat du jour" with yummy mummys otherwise I would have packed my offspring (what is the singular...offsprung?) into his designer off-road buggy and headed straight for the Glasshouse Cafe years ago.  He would have dined on granola bars, broccoli tips and organic carrot juice and thoroughly enjoyed himself while I chatted with my friends about crochet cupcake holders.  As it was, he used to dress up as a WW1 soldier and go to the pantomime wearing a gas mask.
Back to the butterflies......I managed to stretch across the buggies, dodge the water spray, work round the steamed-up lens...... This poor little guy has seen better days and will be fair game for the Butterfly Catchers when they rock up at the weekend.

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