Capital adventures

By marchmont


I woke up at 6 and drifted in and out of sleep, listening to R4. Managed to miss most of Nicola Sturgeon on the referendum campaign, nonsense isn't it. Thoughts of a swim were scuppered because the cozzy was still sitting in a bowl of cold water but I did some other stuff until the haar burned off. Despite being 'off' today, some of this was work.

It was an afternoon in the garden, weeding. The hoe came into its own as I attacked the sycamore seedlings and the sticky willow. I have started to plant some of the bedding plants I bought and I have packets and packets of seeds to scatter, but that is for tomorrow.

Another delivery of clothes - some I'll keep, some I'll take back.

After the gardening it was down to the Friday evening wine tasting, no rose , but I've rectified that. Interesting conversation with Shelley about the new Malaysian restaurant at the Quartermile, street parties for the Jubilee and Irish family history.

Although the garden is a suntrap the sun disappears by 5 and it is on evenings like this that I miss what I had before and what I always wanted - a garden. In Inverurie we'd sit outside and bask in the last rays of the sun and BBQ and we did the same at La G, where it was even better being west facing. It was a joy to sit on the terrace, with a sundowner, relishing the sunset. Not quite the same on a top floor flat with the window open, and no point in a BBQ when you're on your own. However, Molly did catch a wasp!

Today's blip is our fuchsia. The flash went off by mistake but I think it gives it an interesting effect.

News of the banking problems in Spain completely echo what Alistair darling was saying last night - be afraid!!

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