New day - new beginnings

By gudnypalina

A zest for life

We went on a little outing today. First we walked to the metro station (Tube),  however when riding in the metro, it had to stop due to technical problems. We waited for a while, and although we were very patient, a young man got extremely agitated. He probably had psychological problems, and for a while there we got a bit worried that he would snap. Then the train moved to the nearest stop and there was an emergency evacuation, probably because of the young man. 
Eventually we got to our destination, Amager beach, and  intended to take a walk along the beach. But the weather gods meddled with our plan, it started raining and then there was hail storm for a few minutes. We got wet and cold and escaped to a nearby café. It was a very nice café and while we had caffé latté and some cake, the sun found it's way out from the clouds again.  Hence we could take that planned walk along the beach, so that was a good thing. Then we caught the metro back home again, and at the metro station I noticed this elderly lady, wearing bright red hat and matching shoes. I really hope I'll have this same zest for life when I'll get old :)

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