The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Tough stuff...

How do people take good photos in a swimming pool...with low lighting yet bright sunlight streaming through the windows, with glare on the water and refelctions everywhere as students play water polo at speed! My god, it was nearly impossible! I am trying to help my PE department make Olympic postcards and save a bob or two by having me as their photographer...ho hum, I hope they won't be disappointed!

Anyway, this was on of 300 shots of water polo, cricket and tennis. Got some great cricket ones, including one where the bails were knocked off! Anyway, this was by far the hardest shot I took all day, hence it's my blip pick!

Today was hot. Busy. But there were a few defining moments that a) reminded why I teach and b) gave me a sense of pride in some of my colleagues and c) let me know that I'm doing an okay job really. And we went home smiling. Huzzah!

And I bought a pressure washer. And wax. And clothes.
Tomorrow I will clean the little beauty that makes me smile everyday.

You have been warned...when you come home I might start washing and waxing you too! ;0)


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