Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Never a truer word ..........

Tomorrow is Phil's birthday.  Phil is G's older sister's husband.  In the 20 years we have been together, I have NEVER known G to remember a family birthday except mine and Stuart's.  So, when I spotted this card today I just HAD to get it.

It was a pretty good day today; got loads done at work, and it was sunny and bright. However, when I left the office at 8pm tonight it was just starting to snow in Perth.  By the time I turned off the A85 up the back road to Methven, it was so heavy I had to slow down to 20 mph, 'cos I couldn't see a yard in front of me.

In the time it took me to walk Rocky at least 3 inches fell.  Oh dear, that's March for you!

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