
In town today - Is it a TR4 circa 1961? 
We had a Herald convertible in Hong Kong in 1966, where I took my driving test in the same year!!!  Traffic lights were a true test of your driving and clairvoyancing skills;  i.e. knowing what all drivers in three lanes might be going to do next!!  Even with a red light the man on the bicycle in the middle lane with a monkey on his shoulder and pigs in baskets just sailed through regardless of what colour the lights were, and turned left – exciting times and more to come…..

I’m about to enter the kitchen and turn into a cake making diva – my turn to make cakes for Claire’s Birthday at the office tomorrow ……  Coffee & Walnut sponge (by popular request), Almond and Cherry gluten free slices and my piece de resistance, Rocky Road.  And then there’s dinner to cook as well and Mr T has kindly passed his coldy thing on to me, which I am in the first throes of,  and feeling wretched.
Onwards and upwards??
But will my baking be a "Triumph" or just a "Comic Relief" ??

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