Lucky meeting

I went for a walk this morning between hail and snow showers. The sun appeared for a little while and I could almost believe it was spring if it wasn't for the snowy ground.

As I was coming back through the conifer wood I turned a corner and saw this fox. She was hunting for mice in the tussocks under the trees. I had no time to change to my big lens as she started coming straight towards me and I was only behind a little tree.

As soon as she heard the shutter click she was off so no time for a second shot. This is not an urban fox but a rural one, they are very careful to keep away from humans so I was lucky to see it. I know they live in the woods behind the house but I see them very infrequently.

The last one I saw was two years ago and I was again lucky enough to have my camera so you can see him
but then I always have my camera so maybe it's not luck but organisation.

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