And it's no great mystery, If We change our mind..
I stopped off for Beach today.
I love the beach, it tops your heart up with energy on a cold, icy morning, when you'd rather be snuggled in bed.
The sun was shining on one side, and despite the black, black skies above these houses, it was a lovely blast of wake me up. I'm always confused when I stand here, and look over there.
Troon is a peninsula - this is the South Beach I am standing on- I live just off the North Beach. There are about 6 streets, of at least 2 storey houses between these houses and the lights, but they looks so close.
The beach was pretty busy for such a cold morning, I suppose dog walkers love it and make the most of the time while they can be on the beach with the dogs; being that they are banned from April to Oct.
As I left the sunny beach, the dark skies came over and it started to sleet. It's brightened up and sleeted about twice more since then, I wish the weather would make up it's mind.
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