When the going gets tough ....

The tough put a towel on their head, or at least that seems to be Rosina's strategy. 

Final year of University and the pressure is building. Even now, more years after completing my own degree than I'm willing to admit to, I still have the occasional dream where an exam is looming, I haven't got a frickin clue about the subject and I'm panicking about how I am going to close that gap with just weeks to go. Nothing else in my life has left those sort of mental scars.

Talking of scars, I was lucky not to pick up a few yesterday. Bike ride. Country lanes. Bottom of a hill and the road is just one big puddle. I cycle through it and my front wheel pretty much disappears into a pot hole. Luckily, rather than being thrown over the handlebars, I come out the other side but with a puncture due to the force of the impact. Nothing for it but to walk home. Not the ideal end to what until then had been a very pleasant ride. Mildest weather so far this year. 

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