'The Cropmaster'

Woke up to a rather wet and miserable day, although we had some sun we had a lot of hailstones and sleet too.  The HG was away in Fife on a recce.  I went to church in the morning, and then after a quick lunch did the week's ironing before going out with C for coffee to the cafe at the National Museum of Rural Life in our town.  

Outside the museum is the 'Cropmaster' tractor, produced by David Brown, around 1939.  The 'Cropmaster' was heavier than the Ferguson tractors of the time, and therefore in great demand as it was heavy enough to work with the old fashioned farm machinery of the time.

David Brown was knighted in 1968.

C and I had a nice chat over coffee and then came home to do some computer work, and when the HG came home dinner was all ready for us in the slow cooker.  He was ready for a hot meal as the weather had been pretty cold with snow showers.

Hope all had a good weekend.

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