Magical and mystical...

"Castlerigg is perhaps the most atmospheric and dramatically sited of all British stone circles, with panoramic views and the mountains of Helvellyn and High Seat as a backdrop.

It is also among the earliest British circles, raised in about 3000 BC during the Neolithic period." English Heritage

A real break in the weather so a full day out. Headed over the Kirkstone Pass (which only three days ago was closed due to snow!) to Ullswater and to Pooley Bridge to stock up on my favourite wool fat soap (long story!). Next stop was Aira Force and a walk to the waterfall before heading home via Keswick and Castlerigg. With such a stunning backdrop, the stone circle had a real magical and mystical feel to it...

(And yes Corinthian, there was a pub visit at the end of the day! And a sneaky one yesterday, but I forgot to mention it. If you know the story of Jemima Puddle Duck then you might recognise yesterday's pub!!)

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