Focusing Rail in Action!

Managed a lie-in this morning and then lunch with friends at the Anchor, Johnshaven - I had my usual Lobster soup.  It was nice to have a chat but a bit sad because our friend M who had lived in Johnshaven all her life sadly passed away last week. She was a lovely lady always with a smile and something cheerful to say.  Not much going on in Johnshaven today - too cold I expect for people to venture out too far. Took some shots of the Harbour but nothing worth blipping really.  So got home and played with my new toy. I have blipped it set up with the camera in case anyone is interested. You can also see a video of the set up HERE.  The main aim of using a Rail is to get as fine a focus as possible and it measures in millimetres.

My Scilla Siberica appeared overnight so I expect you will be seeing them soon as well!  Spring is definitely on its way.

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