Mini Blip Meet

It has become a bit of a tradition at this time of year to meet fellow blipper ValC at the beach café at Perranuthnoe.  See here and here.

And guess what? ………………..Val gave me a new multi-coloured bouncy ball and some wonky chomp treats.  Aren’t I a lucky little collie?

So off we went to the beach so that I could have a play before the tide came all the way in but do you know what happened?........

………………….A little dog stole my brand new multi-coloured bouncy ball.  He ran off with it and wouldn’t give it back and then when his owners caught him and tried to get it off him he clamped his jaws tight shut and wouldn’t let go.  Just how naughty was that?!  So then I had to continue my walk on the beach without my new multi-coloured bouncy ball. (The naughty dogs’ owners eventually got it off him & left it by our car for me).

And then we went to the café where Ann had a big bacon & egg bap and she didn’t give me any.  Not even a tiny little morsel.  How mean was that?

But we’ve had a lovely morning.  Thank you Val.  See you again next year. xx

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