Reflection on my very precious family!
The 2nd Sunday in Lent ... time for reflection on the family.
Sorry some of the reproduce is poor, but to capture days
gone by you need to use old photos' . During the past week
I have touched on---- health, Decluttering ( especially of the
mind) ,kindness, new buds arriving, the misinterpretation
of language, memories and then the ability to meet old
friends and almost stay in the same time!!
Today .... I give time to remember all that life has given
to me, both good and bad, the wonderful memories of
married life, of children and my girls growing to lovely,
kind and giving adults, for which I give greatful thanks.
My auntie used to say ... A family that prayers together
stay together ..... This is certainly true for us, I thank them
for giving me 6 wonderful grandchildren, each have a
character of their own which vary in many ways, maybe
some very difficult to understand but I try!!
Lent is a thoughtful time for us all, what was given for
us to live was something wonderful, his life.
The Rev gave a reflection on their visit to Zimbabwe ,
people there have so little, walk miles to attend church
and yet are so very happy. They accept their life saying
( it is only a phase we're going tho' ) ??
I have such a lot to be thankful for , sometimes I don't
feel I do so enough. But .... if I fall I know he's always their
to pick me up.
Have a good Sunday all.
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