Muddy puddles

I have had a brilliant day. This morning daddy took my brother and I to watch my sister play football. We think they won which shows how much running around I was doing. He he

We came home so I could get changed out of my wet clothes. As you can see I had great fun jumping in the puddles. Daddy didn't realise quite how deep some of the puddles were.

In the afternoon we had lots if tidy up time. Daddy and my brother did the garage, mummy did the bathrooms and once my sister had finished her homework she helped with the garage.

Mummy said her nesting has kicked in. Not sure what that means, apart from the fact that she was scrubbing tiles and grouting very late last night. Daddy's glad she ran out of cleaning stuff so he could get a bath......

After such a busy day I was too tired to stay up for family tv night. Everyone else sat together to watch some tv with snacks. I asked to go to bed. I was so tired daddy had to carry me up.

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