Full circle

Put in a wee bit paper and some sticks to see this thing work today...just a wee burn.

The Rooster lay down in front of it and I was reminded of my sister Gill, lying in front of the coal fire that use to fill that space when we were young.  She would often fall asleep as a toddler on the hearth rug.

My Mum and Dad changed that for a gas fire and gas central heating in the late 70's.  We thought we were the bees knees :-)

When we moved back to this house, which is going on for 10 years ago now :-/ , we pulled that fire out and replaced it with the surround and a wee electric fire that was used for effect really, I'd stick the back light on on dark cold days for that cosy feel...Mr R would switch it off:-). As I said a few days ago I was very fond of that fireplace.  Lots of Christmas stocking photos taken in front of that.

And now we have opened up the chimney again and have a real fire again.  And I do love the way it burns.  

Not sure what the Grandpa is thinking of all this though!

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