First sea day

The programme for the day has such a wide selection that you are spoilt for choice!!

I decided not to learn Japanese, how to play the Ukulele, to tap dance or join the pop up choir!!!

Staying with the familiar I joined the knitters and crafters group at 9am (a bit on the early side for me), which I fitted in before breakfast. There were about 20 of us, mostly from ladies from Australia and New Zealand.  Whilst B went to the gym at lunchtime, I took the more relaxed option and listened to the lectures on Melbourne, our port for tomorrow, and Gallipoli (a bit harrowing).

A chilled out afternoon was followed by a formal dinner and Captain’s welcome. We missed most of what he said, but I managed a quick snap of him for blip. The show was good but a bit of a struggle to stay awake as we haven’t adjusted to the time difference yet. Another early night ready for the trip ashore tomorrow.

I’ve had problems getting on to blip, my fault as I’ve had to reset my password (complicated with the present set up), so I’m a bit behind on posting but will catch up. Check out yesterday's blip if you are wondering where we are!!!

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