Live, love, laugh

By Rianka

Chinese Acrobatic Show

Yesterday evening I did a two hour chat session with my family. I first spoke to my mother to congratulate her with mothersday, then my dad wanted to talk to me and then my sister arrived. I talked to her for a little while, which became very hard since the microphone broke down, and then my boyfriend also arrived. After talking to him I still needed to get some food. Luckily for me the kitchen was still open for half an hour.

This morning I woke up after a wonderful sleep and took a shower, before going on a little shopping spree. I went to the big shopping street in Beijing for one last time, Wangfujing. I went here several times with friends. I know there should be a church around the area, but I was never able to find it. And today I did. Too bad I was not allowed in, god knows why...

In the afternoon I had to go to the bank. I have a Chinese bank account, which I needed for my visa, that I now have to clear out. That is more difficult than it sounds. Especially because everything is in Chinese. I have to go back tomorrow to arrange the whole thing.

After this whole thing happening I met up with Marlene and Beth, because tonight we were going to a Chinese Acrobatic Show! It was amazing :D One hour filled with surprise and horror. They were able to put 12 persons on 1 bicycle. And this girl is standing on her toes on the head of this guy. We had such a wonderful night and Beth made a short photoshoot of all the different surprised looks on my face.

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