A MIMent In Time

By justmim

I hope I never tire of rounding corners to views like this!

My Saturday morning step class has turned into Saturday morning dance class and today was my first chance to make it along. Just. 10 minute bed-bus dash! I had a lot of fun so will definitely be back. "I want to see how low you can go" she said at the end and soon we were attempting splits. I'm a tiny bit excited at the prospect of eventually being able to do them as it's something I've always wished I could do!

Brunch with Lucy was lovely as ever and I had my first experience of driving an automatic. Apart from forgetting that I need to put my PIN number in to get the car started and not realising that the hybrid engine had turned on it was a nice driving experience! Although one to avoid doing too often so that I don't get used to it...

An evening to myself to tidy, launder, study and loop about the flat in true home alone fashion :-) Oh, and catch up with my blip back-log!! Phew. The 1,000 blip mark is in sight!

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