The River Severn

A chilly view from the English Bridge, Shrewsbury with St. Mary's Church to the left near to the old Hospital but now The Parade and full of shops.

Only four of the ex-work mates turned out today for our early Spring get-together, but it was those who didn't make it who missed out on a great time.  The 'Second Best exotic Marigold Hotel' was a hoot with many of the  same cast as in the First Best exotic etc. but with the added addition of Richard Gere and Tamsin Greig.  The same pithy, witty and often hilarious humour from Maggie Smith and the usual great performances by everyone else.  

No time for blipping and we had to hang on to our hats walking over the bridge as a very chilly wind had got up so we were very glad to enter the warmth of a real fire at our chosen hostelry where we had super food, a little wine (driving) and lots of girlie chat, not all about the film!!   

Mr T is safely ensconced up at the Gliding Club and I'm now safely ensconced back at home with a cuppa and my feet up.  It's been a very good day, and like the film, full of the 'feel good' factor!!

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