Another Teashop

I had thought I would go into town today but the weather was miserable and no-one was playing out so I didn't bother. There was a Tattoo Show on  at G-Mex and I fancied taking some pics and getting some ideas for a possible little one of my own  The tickets to get in were £20!!!....I decided to give it a swerve.

Jude and I went to visit Mary instead. We had chatted over a cuppa, played a silly game, laughed a lot and then decided to nip into Horwich. We ended up at the Chill at Cowshed tea Room and had a bite to eat. They had twenty flavours of ice creams so we decided to sample one of those as well...well it would have been rude not to, especially as we chatted with the owner and she gave Jude and I a guided tour of the place.

I told Mary about my audition for The Chase...she kept coming up with top tips...don't take the lower offer as we would never speak to you again, keep smiling, make sure you get help on what clothes to wear....she made me more nervous lol.

Well, there is nothing on TV and I'm fed up........I think I have a bag of Minstrels in the fridge, I shall just go and have a look.........

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