What Makes Sammy Run?

Walking through the fields in the wide open space of the Brüggenfelder Uplands. That was the idea for this sunny afternoon. And it really was brilliant. Still there blows a chilly Western from over the Weservalley. Coming from far beyond. In the past we would have past a marvellous saturday afternoon somewhere along the Northseaside. But once you have learned to know the lower mountains between East-Westphalia, Lower Saksony and Hessen, you know that there are more kinds of absolute Freedom and Being There, which tear you out and away from your miserable&silly everyday worries. And lift you up to sail away on the winds high over the distant mountains.

You can hear your keys ticking in your pocket on the rhythm of your pace. But apart from that marching tinkle, and a farmer’s dog barking as you pass, there is only silence. The chilly winds and the slowly lowering but already radiant Februari sun, gives you this sportin’ life feeling, so well known from outdoor ice skating, high mountain walking, skiing, you name it. Nothing special, does not cost you a penny. Only two train tickets to travel back one station with the slowtrain.
And what did we see? Of course the veiled mountains in the far distance. The motionless horses in their fenced corner, the Angel-Tree. The small abandoned dream valley and this fast walking man.

Apparently in a hurry on his way down. Was he walking on a path or track? Impossible to determine from this distance. He does not look like a farmer inspecting his land. He is wearing jeans, has his hands hiding in the pockets of his leather jacket. And he has his hat on. Is he running away from his Brüggenfelder home to go on a pub crawl downtown? Who will tell? And finally, he is looking down to his feet, instead of upwards into the chilly&bright open space. Let me wish you Good Luck, Man!

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