All Growd Up.

Its been a long emotional day.

Mr W left at 5am to go and collect friends from Cambridge. My foster daughter Jasmine and her mummy have come to stay for the weekend. But today has to be dedicated to my lovely Daughter Number 1 who has finally flown the nest - again!

She went and picked up a van at 8am this morning while I popped to Sainsburys to buy an emergency hamper for her. I have to admit to welling up a few times each time I found her favourite foods and put them in the trolly. I bought cheapo washing powders and cereals as she will have to get used to buying cheap from now on!!!

Her new flat mate Charley and DN1 then spent the day loading the van, her car and Mr W 's car with all her worldy belongings. I cant believe she had so much. Unfortunately her drawers wouldn't fit down the stairs so I had to buy them off her!!!!

We had an emotional hug goodbye and it dawned on me that I had never seen any of my children off to new pastures as the nature of my horrible divorce meant I had flown the nest before them, so I missed out on this bit. But this time I made sure it was special. I didnt have to wait long till I saw her again though as we then had to go to her plat to help put the bed together and measure up for blinds Im making them.

I am thrilled with her new home and so happy she is with Charley who has been organising her all day!!!!

Sadly the kitten didn't happen yesterday. The advertised Persian for £350 turned out to be a ginger moggy with a dodgy storey. DN1 sensibly took my advice and walked away. She has a month to find another kitten and Im sure there is a beautiful little kitten out there with her name on it to join 'Eric' who arrives next week.

So here you have Daughter Number 1 AKA Emily and her flat mate (owner) Charley.  I hope Charlie can cope with the 3000 boxes that have suddenly arrived! they will be very happy together.

I will miss my beautiful daughter and my best friend but wish her every happiness in her new home where new Memories begin from today.


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