Another day in Kolkata...some kind and generous words yesterday from CK and so an answer of sorts to an earlier question...linked to neither blip or day...Just some words...

" I hope that you find what you're looking for."

Her words, unexpected as silence, she gazing between horizons which remained floating upon impossibles. He pauses in thought to look at her. "I don't know if that's possible." he paused again, wondered whether to continue. "I don't know if it's ever really existed or if it's survived. But if it has then you'd be more likely to find it in a library than on a map. Maybe the map would only say 'here be dragons' and offer the unexplored myth of the place."

She looked at him, waiting to hear where his thoughts would tumble into words, offered him a gentle, quizzical look. "A place then?" He smiled, shrugged his shoulders.

"Words. Words and images. The words and images of others. They were my map, they brought me here. Words upon a page, a grammar of dreams and illusions, the exile from Utopia." Silence resumed upon them.
She smiled, turned her head. "But, of course, we all have our magical lives." Her turn to pause. She flicked the end of her cigarette into the river, watched as it followed whorls patterned upon the water, as it flowed drifting between the rocks, returned her gaze to him. A look of curiosity upon his face. "Of course we have magical lives, all of us, how else could we survive this one?"

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