
By dandales

Special Cargo

Thank you everyone for your lovely comments recently. All very much appreciated and so much part of this wonderful 'blip' experience.
It's been a stressful few weeks and today was a day we knew would be very tricky.
We have spent the day moving ponies.
The ponies have lived quite a feral life for a while and we deliberately don't travel them.
Today we had to. We have found a beautiful new field for them and we had to move them today.
We made three runs - the delinquent, Millie and gorgeous, Granny Rose first, having had them on the drive at home for the last week.
Then we went for 'the boys'. Jack, a youngster with attitude and Mowgli - a Connemara who is somewhat 'sharp' and last, but by no means least my beautiful, old and treasured mares (Misty and Splen)
Here is the moment Misty - gorgeous, grey and unfortunately arthritic, teamed up with Rose again. They haven't been together for 5 years.
They are so precious. and the best friends anyone could wish for.
Be happy there ladies and gentlemen.

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