
By irunlykagirl

2.5 days & going strong it seems a little odd to be finding inspiration for todays blip in the cemetery. 
Perched upon the hill, overlooking the rugged coastline is this gem of a plot. There were anomalies we couldn't explain or understand (& I had a decent sort of educated knowledgable source with me) ...but this was one we could understand. Such a beautiful headstone - in a glorious location (although dare say on a wild weather type of day I could think of better places)

The day may have begun with a long beach tramp, a sticky-peek before an auction, scrambled eggs & coffee ended with flipping out & a few games of pick-up sticks over cheese & cider.

Gromberry asked if she could leave tomorrow - she's finding this crazy pace we are currently living, a tad energetic. I promised her an easy day tomorrow.....fingers crossed then.

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