
By Cailleach

Ceiling is believing....

Tonight, my friend and I were at the King's Theatre in Edinburgh, seeing (the beautifully coiffed) Tom Conti in a play.

The woman sitting beside me was quite vocal, and kept nudging the chap beside her, asking him questions. "What did he say?" "Which one is he? ", etc. More than once though, she asked him why there were no ladies in the play. "Don't you think it's strange that there's no female on stage?" she said at one point, and then later, "Why's it all blokes? "

I think her boyfriend lost patience eventually. "The play," he snapped, "is called 'Twelve Angry Men.'..not 'Eleven Angry Men and a Grumpy Woman!'

(For anyone who's interested, my photo, is a section of the theatre's beautiful ceiling, painted by the playwright and actor John Byrne.)

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