Nurse at nursery

This hazy picture is Squidge being a nurse at Nursery (taken from her progress folder). It's always a mystery what she gets up to all day there so I love these little clues in her reports that come home. She looks so involved in this role play!

Another busy day, this time a 4 hour meeting with my business partner at the Trafford Centre (of all places - has to be the worst place to try and hold a business meeting but he insists we meet there for some reason!) I have another long list of actions (some that need doing this weekend) as we have a very big meeting on Monday coming up.

Spoke to the MiL on the way home. She's been sulking as Angus and I haven't spoken to her in a few weeks since the "wild and wilful" comments so the first 10 mins of the call I had to grovel (not sure why I was grovelling, but anything to keep the peace!)

Got a ball dress to fit into next week so am now on a self-imposed 7 day diet and exercise plan. It's day one and I'm already starving, having eaten chicken and vegetables all day and snacked on nuts. Let's be honest I'm going to last a day without carbs, tops. I might just get a fake tan instead next week - covers a multitude of sins and means I can still eat cake. Winning!

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