In My World

By JoanneInOz

The Anchorage

Not the best of weather days here today. The rain has set in. Well, drizzle actually, and dull skies.

Whilst I'm sure these boats would look far more appealing on a fine day, they were still the best view to be had in town on this dark and dismal day.

This morning I had some fantastic, fabulous, incredible, and surprising big sister is travelling towards my home for a visit, as I write!

She lives in Tasmania, the little island off the very bottom of the eastern states of Australia (no, not New Zealand!) and it's been years since I last saw her.

In all of the excitement, I left home this morning without my new camera!

Luckily, I did have the old Olympus in my bag, on standby, so on a fine day, me and my Canon will go back to "The Anchorage" and I'll take photos of the boats again.


"My sister's coming to visit, my sister's coming to visit, and I'm doing a happy dance...." :)

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